1. Before-Tax* Contributions. Your contributions to the account are made on a before-tax basis. Contributions can be made up to the IRS limit, which the government sets once a year. The IRS limits for 2025 are:
    • Employee Only — $4,300
    • Employee + One or Employee + Family — $8,550
    • Age 55 or Older — $1,000 more
  2. Tax-Free** Earnings. All earnings on the money in your account grow tax free.
  3. Tax-Free** Withdrawals. When you use the money to pay for qualified health care expenses, the withdrawals are tax free.

*Before-tax for federal purposes. State tax treatment may vary.
**Tax-free for federal purposes. State tax treatment may vary.

This website provides highlights of the Hess Corporation benefits plans and programs for 2025. If there is any discrepancy between the information provided on this website and the official plan documents, the official plan documents will govern. Hess reserves the right to amend or terminate the plans at its discretion at any time.