Prescription Drug Details

Here’s What the Plan Pays

Preventive Retail & Mail Order
Generic100%60% after deductible
Branded85%40% after deductible
Non-Preventive Retail & Mail Order
Generic85% after deductible60% after deductible
Branded85% after deductible40% after deductible

Get Medication Support from Express Scripts

As the country’s largest pharmacy benefit manager, Express Scripts provides a number of resources that allow you to take control of your prescription plan.

Online Support

Manage your medicines anywhere, anytime with and the Express Scripts mobile app.

Register online today and get access to savings and convenience.

Express Scripts Home Delivery

If you take regular maintenance drugs, you can get a 90-day supply delivered to your home. It’s easier, cheaper and safer than making three trips to the pharmacy. It’s one of the many Benefit Gems available to you at Hess.

Set up home delivery today.

Once it’s set up, you’ll get email and text notifications when it’s time to refill your prescriptions. You can even set up automatic refills.

Uncertain about the cost of a medication?

Use the Price a Medication Tool to take the guess work out of prescription drug costs. The tool is available online or on the Express Scripts app from the Prescriptions tab:

  • Compare prices for all your brand-name, generic, formulary and non-formulary medicines.
  • Find cost-saving opportunities.
  • Compare prices for home delivery and a variety of retail pharmacies to see which provides the best value.

Ready to price a medication?

Testing Kits

Express Scripts members are eligible to receive up to eight at-home COVID-19 tests at the pharmacy counter every 30 days for a $0 copay. Learn more.


Express Scripts

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